I am happy to announce that my book “Bazaar Version Control” has been released, and it is now available in online stores: https://www.packtpub.com/bazaar-version-control/book

The sample chapter (Chapter 2: Diving into Bazaar) is a FREE download. It includes the preface, which is a nice, short and sweet introduction of the book. The chapter reveals quite a lot: it explains all the basic operations of Bazaar using both the command line client and Bazaar Explorer. It is a good sample of the overall writing style in the book, and you should definitely read this first before buying.

If you find the cover familiar, it is based on Gource, a truly awesome VCS visualization tool that works transparently with Bazaar. I wanted to include a proper section featuring Gource somewhere in the book, unfortunately due to time and space constraints I was not able to do so in the end. So here goes my very special thanks to the author, Andrew Caudwell, of this fantastic open-source project.

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